How to Use Grep Command in Linux with Practical Examples

How to Use Grep Command in Linux with Practical Examples

The grep command is one of the most powerful and widely-used tools in the Linux command line arsenal. Whether you're a system administrator, developer, or Linux enthusiast, mastering grep will significantly improve your productivity when searching for specific text patterns in files or command outputs.

In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn how to use the grep command effectively with numerous practical examples that you can apply to your daily workflow.

What is Grep?

Grep stands for "Global Regular Expression Print." It's a command-line utility that searches text files for lines matching a specified pattern and prints those lines to standard output. The name comes from the ed command g/re/p, which does a similar function in the ed text editor.

Originally developed for Unix, grep is now an essential tool available on virtually all Linux distributions and Unix-like operating systems. It's particularly useful for:

  • Searching for specific text in files
  • Filtering output from other commands
  • Finding patterns in log files
  • Identifying occurrences of strings in code


Before diving into this tutorial, you should have:

  • Access to a Linux terminal (any distribution will work)
  • Basic familiarity with the Linux command line
  • Understanding of how to navigate the file system using commands like cd, ls, etc.
  • A text editor to create sample files for practice (like nano, vim, or gedit)

No advanced Linux knowledge is required to follow along with this tutorial.

Basic Grep Usage

Let's start with the simplest form of the grep command.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of the grep command is:

grep [options] pattern [file...]


  • [options] are optional flags that modify grep's behavior
  • pattern is the text or regular expression you're searching for
  • [file...] is an optional list of files to search in

If no files are specified, grep reads from standard input.

Let's create a sample file to work with:

# Create a sample file
cat > sample.txt << EOF
This is a sample text file.
It contains multiple lines.
Some lines have the word example in them.
This is an example line.
grep is a powerful command.
This line has the word EXAMPLE in uppercase.

Now, let's search for the word "example" in this file:

grep "example" sample.txt


Some lines have the word example in them.
This is an example line.

Notice that grep only returns lines containing the exact pattern "example" and doesn't match "EXAMPLE" (uppercase) by default.

To search for a pattern regardless of case, use the -i option:

grep -i "example" sample.txt


Some lines have the word example in them.
This is an example line.
This line has the word EXAMPLE in uppercase.

Now grep matches both "example" and "EXAMPLE".

Example 3: Displaying Line Numbers

The -n option shows the line number for each match:

grep -n "line" sample.txt


2:It contains multiple lines.
4:This is an example line.
5:grep is a powerful command.
6:This line has the word EXAMPLE in uppercase.

This is particularly helpful when you need to locate and edit matching lines in large files.

Regular Expressions with Grep

One of grep's most powerful features is its ability to use regular expressions (regex) to define complex search patterns.

Basic Regular Expression Characters

Here are some common regex meta characters:

  • . - Matches any single character
  • ^ - Matches the start of a line
  • $ - Matches the end of a line
  • * - Matches zero or more of the preceding character
  • [] - Matches any one of the enclosed characters
  • [^] - Matches any character except those enclosed

Example 4: Finding Lines Starting with a Pattern

To find lines starting with "This":

grep "^This" sample.txt


This is a sample text file.
This is an example line.
This line has the word EXAMPLE in uppercase.

Example 5: Finding Lines Ending with a Pattern

To find lines ending with a specific word:

grep "command.$" sample.txt


grep is a powerful command.

Example 6: Using Character Classes

To find lines containing a digit:

# First add a line with a number
echo "Line number 123 contains digits." >> sample.txt

# Now search for digits
grep "[0-9]" sample.txt


Line number 123 contains digits.

Example 7: Extended Regular Expressions

By default, grep uses basic regular expressions. For more advanced patterns, use the -E option (or use the egrep command, which is equivalent to grep -E):

# Add a line with repeated words
echo "hello hello world" >> sample.txt

# Find repeated words
grep -E "(word|hello) .+\1" sample.txt


hello hello world

Useful Grep Options

Grep offers numerous options to customize its behavior. Here are some of the most useful ones:

Counting Matches

Use -c to count matching lines instead of displaying them:

grep -c "line" sample.txt



Displaying Context

Show lines before, after, or around the matching line:

  • -A n: Show n lines after the match
  • -B n: Show n lines before the match
  • -C n: Show n lines before and after the match
grep -A 1 "example line" sample.txt


This is an example line.
grep is a powerful command.

Inverting Matches

Use -v to show lines that don't match the pattern:

grep -v "line" sample.txt


This is a sample text file.
Some lines have the word example in them.
grep is a powerful command.
Line number 123 contains digits.
hello hello world

The -r option searches recursively through directories:

# Create a subdirectory with a file
mkdir -p subdir
echo "Another example in a subdirectory" > subdir/another.txt

# Search recursively
grep -r "example" .


./sample.txt:Some lines have the word example in them.
./sample.txt:This is an example line.
./subdir/another.txt:Another example in a subdirectory

Whole Word Matches

Use -w to match whole words only:

# Create a new sample
echo "example examples examining" > words.txt

# Search for the whole word "example"
grep -w "example" words.txt


example examples examining

This matches "example" but not "examples" or "examining" if we were looking for just parts of words.

Advanced Grep Techniques

Let's explore some more advanced uses of grep.

Example 8: Finding Files Containing a Pattern

Use grep to find all files containing a specific pattern:

grep -l "example" *.txt

This lists filenames only (-l) that contain the pattern, rather than printing the matching lines.

Example 9: Excluding Patterns

The --exclude and --exclude-dir options let you exclude files or directories from the search:

grep -r "example" --exclude="words.txt" .

This searches for "example" in all files except "words.txt".

Example 10: Multiple Patterns

Search for multiple patterns using the -e option multiple times or the -f option with a pattern file:

# Search for lines containing "example" OR "command"
grep -e "example" -e "command" sample.txt

# Or create a pattern file
cat > patterns.txt << EOF

# Then use it
grep -f patterns.txt sample.txt

Both approaches will match lines containing either "example" or "command".

Combining Grep with Other Commands

Grep is often used in combination with other commands to filter and process text.

Example 11: Grepping Command Output

Use grep to filter the output of other commands using pipes:

# List all running processes
ps aux | grep "bash"

This shows only the processes with "bash" in their details.

Example 12: Finding Files and Grepping Their Contents

Combine find and grep to search for patterns in specific file types:

# Find all .txt files and search for "example" in them
find . -name "*.txt" -exec grep "example" {} \;

Example 13: Using Grep with Compressed Files

Use zgrep to search compressed files without extracting them:

# Create and compress a sample file
echo "Compressed example" > compressed.txt
gzip compressed.txt

# Search the compressed file
zgrep "example" compressed.txt.gz


Compressed example

Grep Performance Tips

When working with large files or many files, consider these performance tips:

Use --include for Targeting Specific File Types

grep -r --include="*.log" "error" /var/log/

This searches only log files, which is much faster than searching all files.

Use Parallel Processing for Large File Sets

For very large file sets, consider using grep with GNU Parallel:

find . -type f | parallel -j8 grep -l "pattern" {} \;

Binary Files

Use -I to ignore binary files, which speeds up searches and avoids unwanted binary output:

grep -I "pattern" *

Troubleshooting Common Grep Issues

Here are solutions to common problems you might encounter when using grep.

Problem: Special Characters Not Working

If your pattern contains special characters, they might be interpreted by the shell before reaching grep.

Solution: Escape special characters or use single quotes:

# Wrong (shell expands the * before grep sees it)
grep Hello* file.txt

# Correct
grep "Hello*" file.txt
# or
grep 'Hello*' file.txt

Problem: Regular Expression Not Matching as Expected

Regular expressions can be tricky and sometimes don't match as expected.

Solution: Test your regex incrementally and use the -P option for Perl-compatible regex if needed:

# Perl-compatible regex for more complex patterns
grep -P '\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}' file.txt  # Matches SSN format

Problem: Grep Is Too Slow

When searching large files or directories, grep can become slow.


  • Use grep -F for fixed strings (no regex) which is faster
  • Use fgrep which is equivalent to grep -F
  • Consider using ripgrep (rg) as a faster alternative
  • Limit the search scope with --include or by specifying directories
# Faster search for fixed strings
grep -F "exact string" large_file.txt

# Using ripgrep (if installed)
rg "pattern" directory/


The grep command is an essential tool for text processing in Linux environments. We've covered basic usage, regular expressions, useful options, advanced techniques, combining grep with other commands, performance tips, and troubleshooting.

With these skills, you can efficiently search through files, filter command outputs, and process text data in your Linux workflows. As you continue using grep, you'll discover even more creative ways to leverage its power for your specific needs.

Remember that regular expressions can be complex, so start simple and gradually build more advanced patterns as you become comfortable with the basics. Practice with the examples provided in this tutorial to solidify your understanding.

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